Tuesday 2 March 2010

Violence for why

I started my blog with my report topic that is about violence. I chose this topic because violence used for any reason against human,and violence places inside society especially in Turkey. It is said that violence is seen mostly in the eastern side of Turkey but we do not have to go there in order to see that, there are many women who are pounded by their husbunds or fathers every city of Turkey (even in İstanbul). Also, young people begin to think that violence is the most effective parts of being adult because we can see that high school students stab his peers in news. Lastly, I want to mention about honour killing. Because of that, most of innocent people are exposed to violence. Women are killed due to have innocent feelings or just look different sex. Also,most of male are compiled to be killer in young age because of customs. The reason why they have to be killer is that another men killed his father or looked differently his sister.

So, there are many that I can juxtapose how we can see violenceinside society. In my opinion there are many reason to be proponent of violence such as uneducating people, media leading or tradition. Also, I chose this topic for these reason that I mentioned above. May be I can advocate my own gender and innocent young people against violence.


  1. Great Didem, you have an effective rationale for researching this topic and you are clearly attracted to it because of your personal principles.

    But I need to ask you whether you intend to focus on domestic violence or honour killings. In such a short paper, it will not really be possible to discuss both.

  2. Can I also ask you to number your blog posts? It just makes it easier for me to keep track of them.
